Rabu, 15 November 2017

Akeelah and The Bee

A) Write at least 10 spelling words that you note from the movie, with their Indonesian translations!

1) RHESUS    :  A brownish yello monkey of India.
RHESUS:  monyet kuning kecoklatan India.

2) EMINENT : Rising above other things or places.high; lofty eminent.
EMINENT : Meningkat di atas hal-hal atau tempat lain. mulia.

3) CARMAGNOLE : A lively song and street dance.
CARMAGNOLE: Sebuah lagu yang hidup dan tarian jalanan.

4) PASTICHE : a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work.
PASTICHE: karya sastra, seni, musikal, atau arsitektural yang meniru gaya karya sebelumnya.

5) PLUVIOSITY :  A state characterized by much rain.
PLUVIOSITY: Sebuah negara yang ditandai dengan banyak hujan.

6) XYLEM : A complex tissue in the vascular system  of higher plants.
XYLEM: Jaringan kompleks dalam sistem vaskular(berhubungan dengan pembuuh darah) tanaman yang lebih tinggi.

7) ARGILLACEOUS : means of, relating to, or containing clay or clay minerals.
ARGILLACEOUS: sarana, berhubungan dengan, atau mengandung tanah liat atau mineral tanah liat.

8) LOGORRHEA : excessive and often incoherent talkativeness.

9) PULCHRITUDE : its derived from the latin word “pulcher”, meaning beautiful.
PULCHRITUDE: yang berasal dari kata latin "pulcher", yang berarti cantik.

10) ALFRESCO : taking place or located in the open air :outdoor , outdoors
ALFRESCO: berlangsung atau berada di udara terbuka:luar ruangan.

11) PSALMODY : means the practice or art of singing in psalms.
PSALMODY: berarti latihan atau seni menyanyi dalam mazmur.

12) DOUBLURE : an ornamental lining of a book cover.
DOUBLURE : lapisan hias dari sampul buku.

13) FANCIFUL : marked by fancy or unrestrained imagination rather than by reason and experience.
FANCIFUL : ditandai dengan khayalan atau imajinasi bebas, bukan oleh akal dan pengalaman.

14)  XANTHOSIS : yellow discoloration of the skin from abnormal causes.
XANTHOSIS: perubahan warna kuning pada kulit dari penyebab abnormal.

15) CONCIERGE : a person who has charge of the entrance of a building and is often the owner's representative; doorkeeper.

B) Who is your favorite character in Akeelah and the Bee? Why do you choose him/her?

my favorite character is akeelah because she is a smart girl, tenacious, never give up. 💪

C) What is your favorite scene in the movie? What has the scene taught you?

when akeelah and dylan exchanged each other in the last game. akeelah succumbing because feel sympathy on dylan so that he can  win and make his father happy, while dylan relented because he felt an injustice in the game where I had deliberately spelled the wrong word. In the scene we are taught to understand each other. 😇😇

D) What would you do if you had a father like Dylan's dad? Elaborate your reason!

I will leave at home because feel depressed and suffer. 😖😢

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